Damage Evaluation – Repair – Rebuild


Home damages from mud and debris flows range from modest damage to foundations, roofs and chimneys to complete destruction.

Local codes generally require a building permit before you repair or flood proof your structure. Usually you need to get a permit for electrical work, plumbing and repairs for structural damage, such as foundations and exterior walls.

Possible Evidence of Structural Damage

  • Sunken, broken or leaning foundation
  • A sagging roof ridge or dip in the roof
  • Damaged roofing, roof decking and flashing
  • Wall bulging or not straight
  • Floors and ceiling joists not level
  • Buckled or broken floor boards
  • Stair-step or diagonal pattern of cracks in walls, particularly near bottom
  • Rotten or displaced bottom plate, rim board, or sill beam.
  • Cracked or broken roof rafter or truss
  • Cracked or broken ceiling joist
  • Cracked floor joist
  • Smoldering wood

 A personal note regarding the Ventura and Santa Barbara fire and mud and debris flow

 In the wake of the recent disasters in our Santa Barbara and Ventura communities from fire and mud flow, we would like to extend our hearts.  To those who have experienced the loss of loved ones, and to all of the individuals and homeowners dealing with the stress of lost possessions, damaged property, and even injuries – you will be in our thoughts now and for years to come.

Repairing Damage from Mudslide

When the time is right, we want to be there for you in consideration of your structural engineering needs.  We are experts when it comes to repairing and rebuilding, whether it is to reuse and repair, or replace existing foundations and structures.  Please consider DMSE for the best possible value in evaluating and planning the structural elements of your home or business.

Request a structural engineering consultation after the Thomas Fire or Montecito Mudslide.

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